Struggling with autoimmune problems? I'm a health intuitive who's specialized in the MOST challenging cases of autoimmune disease for over a decade.
Here's how you can freedom from autoimmunity, avoid invasive surgery, and quit harmful medications in 28 days:
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Greg, age 42, found relief from all his Crohn's Disease symptoms in THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS.
Kim, age 37, eliminated signs of her Hashimoto's Disease and balanced her hormones in THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS.
Esther, age 65, wakes up without Rheumatoid Arthritis pain after THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS.
At 18, I was bedridden with autoimmune disease and facing a life-altering surgery.
Within a few months, I eliminated my symptoms, got off medication, and avoided surgery — even though doctors said this was impossible.
Now, I've helped hundreds of people reclaim their life from autoimmunity.
I'll show you the way to freedom in 28 days!
THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS works for any autoimmune condition
Esther, age 65, was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. 6 weeks into the Autoimmune Protocol, she’s waking up without pain. Thanks to the emotional work in THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS, she's also reached a profound level of healing around her childhood and early trauma.
Kim, age 37, was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease. She completed The Autoimmune Class has continued with the protocol for 8 weeks. She regained her energy and resumed teaching fitness classes. Her hair stopped shedding and her painful menstrual cycles have normalized.
Greg, age 42, was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease. By the end of THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS, he found relief from all digestive problems, bleeding, and pain. He no longer needs marijuana or Ibuprofen for the pain.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Join 120+ individuals taking control of their health and future
As an autoimmune expert, I’ve witnessed a sad reality: many doctors COMPLETELY FAIL their autoimmune patients.
Medical doctors are often the greatest source of misinformation when it comes to autoimmunity. As a result, patients often become sicker, unnecessarily medicated, and undergo needless surgery.
Most doctors aren't taught how to reverse autoimmune disease. They are trained to act in the best interest of the pharmaceutical industry, not their autoimmune patients.
Patients with autoimmune disease often end up taking harmful medications and undergoing unnecessary surgery, without finding permanent relief.
Imagine this:
You'll create this outcome in THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS!
This 4-week process equips you with the steps to achieve lifelong freedom from any autoimmune condition.
WEEK 1: Why am I sick?
Learn how to repair your body after an autoimmune diagnosis and pharmaceuticals.
WEEK 2: How do I reset my body?
Start the Initial Reset Protocol, and reset your mind for healing.
WEEK 3: How do I make progress?
Begin the Full Protocol, learn the Detox Protocol, and address environmental triggers.
WEEK 4: How do I address stress and emotional causes?
Identify and release emotional and psychological triggers for autoimmunity.
Additional trainings and modalities for autoimmune freedom.
I'm Lauren Geertsen, an autoimmune expert and health intuitive.
At age 18, I was bedridden with a life-threatening autoimmune disease. 3 months later, I healed myself through the nutritional therapies and mind-body techniques I teach in The Autoimmune Class.
As a health intuitive, I read the energy patterns, trauma, and subconscious beliefs of my clients. This has allowed me to map the emotional root causes of every autoimmune disease.
For over a decade in my private practice, I've specialized in the most challenging autoimmune cases.
Are you ready to find lifelong freedom from autoimmunity and pharmaceuticals? I'll see you inside THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS!
Amanda, age 26, was diagnosed with Psoriasis. She had relied on topical steroid creams which became less and less effective. After following the Autoimmune Protocol for 3 weeks, the psoriasis was 95% cleared.
Sadie, age 17, was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Her mom purchased THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS and helped Sadie follow the Autoimmune Protocol. Within only 3 days, her symptoms disappeared.
Jessica, age 44, was diagnosed with Lupus. She had already tried various autoimmune protocols and supplements, but felt like she was missing the emotional component of healing. The emotional healing involved in THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS led to breakthroughs in her lifestyle and relationships.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Join 110+ individuals creating lifelong freedom with THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS
Discover Lauren's pharmaceutical-free, tried-and-true alternatives to EVERY common health challenge, including:
...and so much more!
It's time to say goodbye to endless doctors appointments, toxic medications, and autoimmune struggles.
With THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS, you'll reclaim your life from autoimmune disease, and enjoy life without pharmaceuticals and side-effects.
$997 value for $197
50% off now - $97!
$997 worth of value for $97!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Join 110+ individuals creating lifelong freedom with THE AUTOIMMUNE CLASS
30-Day Money Back Guarantee: Not happy with the program? Turn in the 21-day Food Journal to show you've consistently followed the protocol. The protocol works if you do it!
Is this program suitable for children?
Yes, this program helps people of all ages naturally overcome autoimmune disease. If your child is sick, you will learn how to support them with the autoimmune protocol and gain information to best navigate their healthcare decisions.
Will I be 100% better in the 28 days?
It's possible! Personally, I went from bedridden to having no acute symptoms in a handful of days on this Autoimmune Protocol. However, this is not a "magic pill" solution -- and I encourage you to avoid any wellness program that promises to be so. Every individual is different.
Emotional factors play a huge role in the speed of one's recovery. The Autoimmune Class shares resources to address these factors.
Is this program suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
Certain animal products are an integral part of the Autoimmune Protocol. You may choose to resume a vegetarian or vegan diet after experiencing success with the protocol.
Will this program help me taper off medications?
This program doesn't provide guidance to taper off medications; that is based on your discretion, and it's your choice to consult a medical practitioner on the topic.
As with any wellness program, your results with The Autoimmune Class may vary from clients' testimonials. Results are based on many variables, such as your level of effort, time investment, health status, and willingness to show up for self growth. Since these factors differ for each individual, I cannot guarantee your results. The Autoimmune Class is not a "magic pill solution." I provide tools for spiritual, emotional, and physical transformation, and it's up to you to put the tools to use.
Neither Lauren, as the coach, nor The Autoimmune Program offers medical advice. No statements about or within the program have been evaluated by the FDA, and the program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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